Wednesday, August 03, 2005

addition to blogroll

I have added another blog to my blogroll, namely, Benjamin Myers Faith and Theology. I simply love his blog and my favourite posts so far have been Creation and the beginning of the universe, Speaking matter-of-factly about God: Robert W. Jenson, and his two posts on resurrection. He also has some extremely helpful and resouce(full) links.

Subsequent to being added to Alan Bandy's blogroll, Michael Bird has now added me to his at Euangelion. So my thanks to both of you for taking an interest in my thoughts and getting me some exposure. Its a privilege.

1 comment:

Sean said...

Well done good and faithful servant. May God bless your studies and research heaps. This is great stuff buddy and I'm glad you're continuing in your blogging expedition...

catch ya on the flip side...