Monday, January 30, 2006

quote - Tom Wright on the authority of scripture

To affirm the 'the authority of scripture' is precisely not to say, 'We know what scripture means and dont need to raise any more questions.' It is always a way of saying that the church in each generation must make fresh and rejuvinated efforts to understand scripture more fully and live by it more thoroughly, even if that means cutting across cherished traditions.'

N. T. Wright, Scripture and the Authority of God (SPCK, 2005), 67-8

I read this book just after completing my own research paper on the topic, and found that it said everything I was trying to say and more and but with more flare clarity. Not that im trying to make myself look good, I drew on Wright's ealier work and that of many others in my research. But its a must read for Christian leaders, and all those who grasp the importance of critically reflecting on how we use the Bible.

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