Friday, April 22, 2005

Why the blog?

Well basically a friend of mine just got one of his own up and runing (see Links), and seeing how easy it actually is to create one, i decided too... well... create one.

This venture will have direction however. I am currently doing research in the field of hermeneutics which deals with the issues of the intepretation of texts and how we are to read and use the Bible. In this blog i intend to air my thoughts as they develop throughout the course of my research. This will not only assist me to clarify them but it will also mean that i can get some serious feedback on them (assuming that anyone will actually read this blog) and hopefully it will be of some help to those of you who are interested in the whole topic.

My research is currently focused on various scholar's approaches to developing theology from the Bible. However i soon hope to be moving towards a more general approach, seeking to understand the nature of the Bible itself with the hunch that a proper understanding of this should set the agenda for what we should use the Bible for, and that it will also provide the conceptual framework needed to do do so. But we will see...

So i invite you to join me and hopefully engage with me on the issues by leaving comments and even emailing me responses and thoughts.



Sean said...

Well ah, I would comment if there was some more to comment on.

Love your work...

tchittom said...

Eddie, I just discovered your blog by way of Ben Meyers. Fascinating! Expect me as a regular reader!